Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Have a great summer

It's been quiet around here for a while; been working on a new book.  Tomorrow I'm over in Vancouver for a bit, and then off to visit friends on the Gulf Islands so probably won't post for a while.  Have a great summer, and drop me a line if you read a really good book.  


Friday, July 09, 2010

Best Books for Kids & Teen in 2010

Hurray.  I just received The Canadian Children's Book Centre's Best Books for Kids & Teens in 2010.  I can't wait to read it.  This is a fabulous resource for anyone stocking bookshelves in schools, libraries or at home.  It includes information about award-winners, interest levels, reading levels, and thematic links like sports or science or history.  It has a section for audio and magazines and even includes resources for teachers and librarians.  It's easy to get too.  All you have to do is be a member of the Canadian Children's Book Centre which supports and promotes Children's Literature in Canada.  The cost is $60 a year, and from my perspective, it's the best deal going.

A heads up for those of you south of the border, or overseas:  Best Books for Kids & Teens only covers Canadian material, so if you what to know what's up in the Canadian publishing scene for kids, this is the place to find it.

Thursday, July 08, 2010

Science in Seconds

Here is a very cool site passed on by Vancouver author/illustrator  Cynthia Nugent.  

It's a new blog created by three PHD students called Science in Seconds and it's your go to place for snippets of science that are understandable but not dumbed down.  It isn't a site aimed at kids, but if you write non-fiction for kids, or if your fiction is touching on sciencey (I know that isn't a word but it should be)  themes, this is a great site to check out.  Their motto is "Know Everything," which is a pretty cool.  They've already attracted thousands of hits each week (I'm so jealous).  

Thanks for the heads up Cynthia. 

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Q & A with Patricia MacLachlan

Publisher Weekly has a great Q & A with Patricia MacLachlan this week. She's one of my fav prairie writers.  AND...MacLauchlan has a new book.Yeah!

Salish Sea

This is a locator map of Haro Strait and Bound...Image via Wikipedia
It's amazing how important language is to all of us.

On July 15, the area that is now called the Strait of Georgia, Juan de Fuca Strait, Haro Strait and Puget Sound, will all be christened the Salish Sea in honor of the original First Nations who paddled these waterways.  Lieutenant Governor of B.C. Steven Point (a former provincial court judge and chief of the Skowkale First Nation) will be honoring the name change with an original song and a canoe he carved under the guidance of a master carver. 17 canoes, some from as far away as Alaska and the Oregon coast are expected.

There has to be a story in this people.  Get writing.

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Sunday, July 04, 2010

Happy 4th of July

Yokosuka, Japan (July 4, 2006) - Hundreds of S...Image via Wikipedia
Happy 4th of July to all of my south of the border family and friends.
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Thursday, July 01, 2010

Books versus Film

Usually, I read more than one book at a time.  I can't help myself.  I'll go to the bookstore, come home with a pile of books, dive into one, get distracted, dive into another, and so on.  I generally have a book in the car, one in my purse (one of these days I'm going to get an electronic reader, I swear), and another by my bed.  Sometimes I have a different book on the go in the living room.  It's all very ADD, but I'm sure I'm not the only one.  Anyways, at the moment I'm reading The Girl Who Played With Fire by Steig Larsson, When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead and The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein.

Larsson's first book in "The Girl" series has already hit the big screen, but I'm sure it won't be long before The Girl Who Played With Fire makes it's debut. I hear that When You Reach Me, has been optioned for film as well.  So, I wonder if The Art of Racing in the Rain, which is a totally awesome,  book whose story is told from the point of view of a dog, will follow.  All three books are dynamite.  Will the cinematic versions be as good?  My guess is probably not, but hey, if it turns a few more people onto the books, I'm all for it.