Friday, November 17, 2006

Toad Rage by Morris Gleitzman

Imagine that all you want is a nice crunchy meal of grasshoppers with maybe a few bull ants for desert. Now imagine having your friends and relatives flattened like placemats while trying to get it. This is the risk that Limpy and his cane toad family and friends face each time they go down to the road for a meal. The lights attract insects, and every cane toad knows that this is the best place for breakfast, lunch, dinner not to mention yummy midnight snacks. Limpy, our cane toad hero with a gimp leg and loveable warts asks why is it that humans go out of their way to flatten them. Can humans be made to understand that even cane toads are nice…well toads? Toad Rage by Morris Gleitzman is the story of one cane toad’s quest to understand why people hate cane toads and to try to change their mind. The adventures he takes are mythic (well at least mythic by toad standards) as well as hilarious. I loved the way that Gleitzman, a prolific down-under Aussie, throws in all sorts of toad science. 8-10 year old boys are sure to be impressed by some of the grosser factoids that Gleitzman builds into the story-line while the less feint of stomach will surely be swept up by the fast pace Odyssey like plot. And for real keeners, Toad Heaven is also available.


morgan r. said...

hello,my name is moragan.Im a 12 yearold girl, going into 7th grade who loves aulstrialia.Me and my mother live inthe usa along with a father and broher. me and my mom rode are bikes to the library to,well get a a verey picky reader but i picked out toad rage and loved it instintly!im half way trough the book.i looked up what cane toads are and i think they are amazing creaters! i would love to meat you!keep on writing. a very greatfull reader, Morgan

readingkidsbooks said...

Hi Morgan. Glad you enjoyed the book. You might want to check out some of Morris Gleitzman's other books in the Toad series. Toad Away, Toad Heaven and Toad Surprise. Happy reading.

morgan r. said...

hello its morgan agian.are the other books with the same charecters like Limply? or are they diffrent toads?Also sorry i spelt so many words wrong im not the best speller.

readingkidsbooks said...

Hi Morgan. Some of the characters are the same, but there are new ones in the other books as well. If you liked Toad Rage, I'm sure you'll enjoy the others.

Re: spelling. I was one of the worst spellers in my class when I was young. Here's a tip. Type your responses into a word processing program where you can use spellcheck. The copy and paste into email or blogs you want to post on. I'm terrible at spelling too, and this is what I do. Remember, writing is about communicating and you do that just fine. Sheryl