Wednesday, July 12, 2006


It's a rainy summer day and I actually have a fire going in the fireplace, although I admit that I'm wearing sandals. I've sent off the last edit for my novel, my mystery writing is stalled...I may never make a mystery writer--too much inner dialogue and not enough action, and I have rewritten and submitted a picture book text. So...before I start a new project, I thought I'd just pop by the bookstore. Big mistake for keeping me on the writing track. Rachel Chohn's Shrimp is in soft cover so how could I resist? You'll rember how much I raved about Gingerbread and if you didn't read that entry, do it now! Sid Cherisse is one of those incredibly memorable characters that seems as real as the kid next door. I can hardly wait to read about Shrimp, her surfer boyfriend--no, not one of those tall blond TV surfer boys, but a pint sized, normal sort of guy who works in his brother's beachside cafe. He's got attitude, and is so cool in an opposite to the 'high school in crowd' sort of way. Anyways, a full reveiw coming...

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